DEUS POWDER TOOLSは2017秋冬より”街から山へ”をコンセプトにアパレルコレクションを展開している 。
それ以降、日本固有のカルチャーであり独自の発展を遂げてきた “snow surf “はDEUS JAPANより世界に発信され続けている。
The Deus Powder Tools Alternative Snowboard designs are a Deus Japan collaboration with surfboard builder Takuya "TAPPY" Yoshikawa beginning in 2014, advocating the “Snow Surf” subculture renowned for decades and still going strong in Japan.
A natural progression from commutes to the snowy peaks came a desire to create a "Metro to Mountain" apparel collection under the same name for these cold winter trips. Deus Powder Tools winter wear was launched in Autumn/Winter 2017.